Ten Signs Your Cat May Be Trying To Kill You
- Seems
mighty chummy with the dog all of a sudden.
- You
find a stash of "Feline of Fortune" magazines behind
the couch.
- Cyanide
pawprints all over the house.
- You
wake up to find a bird's head in your bed.
- Droppings
in litter box spell out "REDRUM."
- Catch
him with a new mohawk looking in the mirror saying, "Mew
looking at me? Mew looking at me?"
- Has
taken a sudden interest in the wood chipper.
- Ball
of yarn playfully tied into a hangman's noose.
- You
find a piece of paper labelled "MY WIL" which says
- Now
sharpens claws on your car's brake lines.

Ten Signs You've Had Too Much Coffee
- Juan
Valdez named his donkey after you.
- You
grind your coffee beans in your mouth.
- The
only time you're standing still is during an earthquake.
- You
can take a picture of yourself from ten feet away without
using the timer.
- You
lick your coffeepot clean.
- You
spend every vacation visiting "Maxwell House."
- You're
the employee of the month at the local coffeehouse and you
don't even work there.
- Your
eyes stay open when you sneeze.
- You're
so jittery that people use your hands to blend their margaritas.
- You
can jump-start your car without cables.

Ten Reasons Why It's Great To Be A Guy
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
- You
know stuff about tanks.
- A
5 day vacation requires only one suitcase.
- Monday
Night Football.
- Your
bathroom lines are 80% shorter.
- You
can open all your own jars.
- Old
friends don't give a crap whether you've lost or gained weight.
- Dry
cleaners and haircutters don't rob you blind.
- When
clicking through the channels, you don't have to stall at
every shot of somebody crying.
- Your
butt is never a factor in job interviews.
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