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10 Things You'll Never Hear At A Nascar Race

  1. "None for me, thanks. That Skoal will do a number on your teeth."
  2. "Hey, shut up! I can't hear the race."
  3. "Dating your own sister? Man, that's sick!"
  4. "Oh my, this is a splendid Merlot!"
  5. "Hey, you with the large chest. Out of the way! We're trying to watch a race here!"
  6. "Chesterton, be a good lad and retrieve the Wall Street Journal from my atache case."
  7. "What a coincidence, Hank. All my friends are boycotting Hooters, too!"
  8. "These are even better seats than we had for the Lionel Richie concert!"
  9. "Whew! No more beer for me, fellas."
  10. "And now... Singing our National Anthem, international recording artist, Boy George!"

Top Ten Games for The Elderly

  1. Sag, You're it
  2. Pin the Toupee on the bald guy.
  3. 20 questions shouted into your good ear.
  4. Kick the bucket
  5. Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over.
  6. Doc Goose.
  7. Simon says something incoherent.
  8. Hide and go pee.
  9. Spin the Bottle of Mylanta
  10. Musical recliners.

The Top 10 Signs Your Dentist Is Crazy

  1. Keeps trying to sell you extra teeth.
  2. His restrooms are labeled "Bleeders" and "Non-Bleeders"
  3. Pumps gas into the waiting room in advance.
  4. Does an extensive search for and body.
  5. He...ummm..licks his tools clean.
  6. Gets mad when you mention that 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed line.
  7. When you come to from being under the gas, he's quick to insist that you wore your pants backwards when you came into his office.
  8. Wears a necklace made of human teeth.
  9. Has a grindstone in the office for his tools.
  10. Insists that a Novacaine shot is something that he'll buy you at a bar if you just go out with him.

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