About Janet Jackson's Breast and Her Super Bowl Peep Show
"Earlier today, Janet Jackson's right breast came out,
saw its shadow, six more weeks of winter." —Jay Leno
Jackson was doing a duet with Justin Timberlake when at the
end, he ripped off part of her top, exposing one of her breasts.
Kind of ironic, for once, a Jackson getting molested."
—Jay Leno
chairman of the FCC announced he's launching an immediate and
swift investigation into what they're calling 'Nipplegate.'
... We still have to wait until next year to find out why we
went to war with Iraq, but we'll find out what happened with
(Janet Jackson's) breast probably in 48 hours." —Jay Leno
know who was really mad about that whole incident? President
Bush, he was very upset. In fact, today, he accused Janet Jackson
of having weapons of mass arousal." —Jay Leno
was quite a Super Bowl show, if you think about it. There was
a streaker, Janet Jackson's breast was exposed and then Kid Rock
wore an American flag as a poncho. You know, I'm surprised John
Ashcroft's head didn't explode." —Jay Leno
Jackson is being very contrite and she's pretending to apologize
to everyone who pretended to be offended. I think that works
out. But now the official explanation is 'wardrobe malfunction.'
She's blaming the whole thing on 'wardrobe malfunction.' Former
President Clinton is thinking, why didn't I think of that?"
—David Letterman
don't think President Bush is getting this situation. He said,
'If we don't set standards of decency, the nipples have won.'"
—Craig Kilborn
said that they may bar Janet Jackson from the Grammy's. You
know, that's just a case of tit for tat." —Jay Leno
incident was so crass and so sleazy that Fox television is launching
their own investigation — why they didn't do it first."
—Craig Kilborn
the game, President Bush calls the winning team, he calls the
Patriots and listen to this, former President Clinton called
Janet Jackson." —David Letterman
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