blonde and a brunette decide to start a farm together. They
add up their life savings into a total of $200.00.
the blonde decided to purchase a bull with it. The brunette
agrees, and so the brunette leaves to go find the perfect bull.
When she does she is to telegram the blonde and tell her to
come get it.
the brunette find the bull of her dreams. The farmer says he
wants $200 for it. The brunette, thinking she can get a better
deal, says no to his offer.
farmer says, "Alright then, I'll give you a great deal,
how about $199.00?"
brunette accepts and buys the bull. She has $1.00 left for the
telegram. The telegram guy says, "It's $1.00 per word."
The brunette thinks about this and says,"Comfortable, write
the guy questions.
you see she reads slow."

the blonde once heard that milk baths would make you beautiful.
She left a note for her milkman Alan to leave 15 gallons of milk.
Alan read the note, he felt there must be a mistake. He thought
she probably meant 1.5 gallons, so he knocked on the door to
clarify the order.
came to the door, and Alan said, "I found your note to
leave 15 gallons of milk. Did you mean 15 gallons or 1.5 gallons?"
said, "I want 15 gallons. I'm going to fill my bathtub
up with milk and take a milk bath."
asked, "Oh, alright, would you like it pasteurized?"
replied, "No, just up to my waist."

overweight blonde consulted her doctor for advice. The doctor
advised that she run ten miles a day for thirty days. This, he
promised, would help her lose as many as twenty pounds.
blonde followed the doctor's advice, and, after thirty days,
she was pleased to find that she had indeed lost the pesky twenty
pounds. She phoned the doctor and thanked him for the wonderful
advice which produced such effective results.
the end of the conversation, however, she asked one last question:
"How do I get home, since I am now 300 miles away?"
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