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Q. Did you here about the blonde who shot an arrow into the air?
A. She missed.

Q. Did you here about the blonde that stayed up all night to see where the sun went?
A. It finally dawned on her.

Q. What about the blond guy whose wife gave birth to twins?
A. He wanted to know who the other man was...

Q. What do you call a blond mother-in-law?
A. An air bag.

Q. Why don't blondes have elevator jobs?
A. They don't know the route.

Q. Why do blondes work seven days a week?
A. So you don't have to retrain them on Monday.

Q. What's the difference between a blonde and an ironing board?
A. It's difficult to open the legs of an ironing board.

Q. What is foreplay for a blonde?
A. Thirty minutes of begging.

Q. What's the difference between a blonde and a broom closet?
A. Only two men fit inside a broom closet at once.

Q. What's the difference between a blonde and a phone booth?
A1. You need a quarter to use the phone.
A2. Only one person can use the phone at a time.

Q. What did the blonde say when she knocked over the priceless Ming vase?
A. "It's OK Daddy, I'm not hurt."

Q. How does a blonde commit suicide?
A. She gathers her clothes into a pile and jumps off.

Q. How do you plant dope?
A. Bury a blonde.

Q. How do you get a one-armed blonde out of a tree?
A. Wave to her.

Q. How does a blonde get pregnant?
A. And I thought blondes were dumb!

Q. What do you call a blonde with ESP and PMS?
A. A know-it-all bitch.

Q. What's the difference between a counterfeit dollar and a skinny blonde?
A. One's a phony buck.

Q. What's the difference between a chorus line of blondes and a magician?
A. A magician has a cunning array of stunts.

Q. What does a blonde think an innuendo is?
A. An Italian suppository.

Q. Why was the blonde wearing her sunglasses?
A. She was having sunny periods.

Q. How can you tell when a blonde is wearing pantyhose?
A. When she farts, her knees bag.

Q. What's the disease that paralyzes blondes below the waist?
A. Marriage.

Q. How do you confuse a blonde?
A. You don't. They're born that way.

Q. How do you paralyze a blonde from the neck down?
A. Marry her.

Q. What's the difference between a pit bull and a blonde with PMS?
A. Lipstick.

Q. Why do men like blonde jokes?
A. Because they can understand them.

Q. Why do blondes like lightning?
A. They think someone is taking their picture.

Q. Why do all blondes all have a dimple on their chin and a flat forehead?
A. Finger on chin-I don't know. Hits forehead-Oh I get it!

Q. Why do blondes have big bellybuttons?
A. From dating blonde men.

Q. But why do brunettes take the pill?
A. Wishful Thinking.

Q. Why don't blondes call 911 in an emergency?
A1. They can't remember the number.
A2. She can't find the number 11 on the telephone buttons.

Q. What do you call five blondes at the bottom of the pool?
A. Air bubbles.

Q. What do you call a blonde lesbian?
A. A waste.

Q. What do you call 4 blondes lying on the ground?
A. An air mattress.

Q. What do you call a hooker and four blondes?
A. Regular price, four bucks, four bucks, four bucks, four bucks.

Q. What do you get when you turn 3 blondes upside-down?
A. Two brunettes.

Q. Why did they stop doing the "WAVE" at BYU?
A. Too many blondes were drowning.

Q. Why did Bush want to send blondes with PMS over to Iraq?
A. They're mad enough to kill and they can retain water.

Q. Why did the blonde keep a coat hanger in her back seat?
A. In case she locks the keys in her car.

Q. If an blonde and a brunette jumped off a bridge, who would die first?
A. The brunette -- because the blonde would have to stop and ask for directions.

Q. What is the definition of gross ignorance?
A. 144 blondes.

Q. What is the definition of the perfect woman?
A. A deaf and dumb blonde nymphomaniac whose father owns a pub.

Q. Why is the blonde's brain the size of a pea in the morning?
A. It swells at night.

Q. What's five miles long and has an IQ of forty?
A. A blonde parade.

Q. Why is it okay for blondes to catch cold?
A. They don't have to worry about blowing their brains out.

Q. How do you drive a blonde crazy?
A. Give her a bag of M&Ms and tell her to alphabetize them.

Q. What job function does a blonde have in an M&M factory?
A. Proofreading.

Q. Why does a blonde have fur on the hem of her dress?
A. To keep her ankles warm.
A2. To keep her neck warm

Q. How do you keep a blonde in suspense?
A. (I'll tell you tomorrow.)

Q. Why do blondes wear shoulder pads?
A. To keep from bruising their ears.

Q. What do you call a blonde wearing a leather jacket on a motorcycle?
A. Rebel without a clue.

Q. What does "Bones" McCoy say before he performs brain surgery on a blonde?
A. "Space. The final frontier......"

Q. How many blondes does it take to screw the entire Bengals team?
A. Just One... Boomer Esiason.

Q. What's brown and red and black and blue?
A. A brunette who's told one too many blonde jokes.

Q. Why did the blonde keep ice cubes in the freezer?
A. So she could keep the refrigerator cold.

Q. How did the blonde break her leg playing hockey with the Toronto Maple Leafs?
A. She fell out of the tree.

Q. What can strike a blonde without her even knowing it?
A. A thought.

Q. Why couldn't the blonde write the number ELEVEN?
A. She didn't know what ONE came first...

Q. How many blondes does it take to make a circuit?
A. Two, One to stand in the bathtub, and another to pass her the blow dryer!

Q. How do you describe 3 prostitutes and a blonde?
A. Ho, Ho, Ho, and to all a good night.

Q. Did you hear what the blonde who was opening a new bar said when her lawyer explained to her that she needed a liquor license?
A. "Oh, it's not gonna be THAT kind of a bar. That's disgusting!"

Q. Why did the blonde fail her drivers license?
A. She wasn't used to the front seat!

Q. Why don't they let Blondes swim in the ocean?
A. Because they can't get the smell out of the tuna.

Q. Did you hear about the blonde who dropped out of nursing school?
A. She was doing great until she found out she would have to perform the Hymenlick Maneuver.

Q. How can you tell when a blonde rejects a new brain transplant?
A. She sneezes.

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